Online Workshops

Below you will find a list of all of the current workshops available along with a complete description of the workshop. We are always adding more workshops to our site, and are open to suggestions from our members on future topics. The sample free workshop will give you an idea of what each course is like.

Creative Leadership

During this content rich and interactive seminar you will learn how to create a high-energy productive work environment where employees feel valued and are more likely to tap into their creativity to solve problems and come up with workable solutions. You’ll also learn once and for all what people need from their leaders, and you’ll learn exactly how to give it to them.

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How To Love Your Job

It’s all about choices. How you will impact others, and what kind of a person you will be. You create the life you want by how you respond to different situations like how you look at your job. In this workshop you will learn four principles that will help you look at your life and your job in a whole new way.

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The Art of Active Listening

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. The way to become a better listener is to practice "active listening." This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent.

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Managing Conflict and Confrontation

Learn how to build successful relationships that result in increased trust, harmony, and teamwork.

Stopping conflict before it starts is critical to success. Today’s workers are faced
with greater challenges than ever before. Different points of view, coupled with
high levels of stress can lead to anger, conflict, and confrontation between people. The heavy cost inflicted on organizations due to low morale, lack of cooperation, and poor productivity can be destructive to your organization.

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Getting It All Done

How to manage multiple priorities, projects and deadlines

This powerful workshop teaches you how you can easily handle seemingly impossible priorities and demands without spending more time at the office and time away from your family and friends. During this content rich workshop you will get the all important skills to help you determine your top priorities and ways to successfully deal with them.

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Traits of Highly Successful Teams

This course will help you discover the essential traits a team must have to function at its peak and how to keep your team motivated, on track, and moving forward — no matter what gets thrown your way.

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Creative Customer Service

Saying, “The customer is always right” is easy, but it is hard to practice when you are involved in an emotional outburst, or being verbally abused.  During this practical workshop you will give your people unique techniques and effective skills for your customer service department.

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“Batter Up” Teambuilding, Coaching, and Mentoring Skills

Successful managers have discovered that the same skills coaches use to create winners in athletics also work in a business environment. During this innovative you will experience powerful coaching methods to turn even problem employees into motivated winners!

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Optimism and Peak Performance

Keeping employees motivated and encouraging them to reach their full potential is challenge enough. Often, the daily demands of the workplace take precedence over proactive leadership. With continually decreasing budgets and so little time for creativity, it can be difficult to find the time and resources needed to truly recognize and reward employees the right way.

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Essential Skills to Build Your Own “Dream Team”

As a Leader your “Dream Team” doesn’t happen by accident. It requires commitment on your part. In this workshop you will learn how to put together the perfect team.

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