High Performing Companies Solve Skills Gaps with Corporate Training

High performing organizations are spending more and more on corporate training, especially leadership (and self-leadership) development.  This closes the skills gaps so often seen in rapidly changing or long-established organizations.

Here are some crucial facts to know, from the Forbes article: Spending on Corporate Training Soars: Employee Capabilities Now A Priority

Spending on leadership development remains very high. As in prior years the research shows that the #1 areas of spending is management and leadership (35%). All our research on corporate talent shows that global leadership gaps continue to be the most pressing issues on the minds of business and HR leaders.
High-performing companies spend more. Companies which fall into our “high-impact” categories spend significantly more on training than average. So companies who invest in a total L&D strategy spend more per employee than those who are inconsistent. This shows that L&D spending pays off.
Technology is revolutionizing this market. The research shows an explosive growth in technology tools to train people today. Self-authored video, online communication channels, virtual learning, and MOOCs (Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, edX, …) are all growing rapidly as training tools.

With Corporate Trainer Online, we can help you join the world's best companies by offering corporate training to your employees, taking advantage of our flexible and extremely cost-effective online delivery system.